Skin cancer or any cancer is definitely not a topic most people like to discuss. The reality is that skin cancer has seen approximately a 350% increase in the last 15 years. Considering the wealth of information available to everyone, this seems totally unacceptable. For your sake and the sake of those you love, I am providing you with the The Skin Cancer Foundation's prevention guidelines:
~Always use SPF 15 or greater daily.
~Look for shade, especially during the hours of 10AM and 4PM.
~Don't allow yourself to burn.
~Avoid using tanning booths.
~Apply 1 ounce of sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours.
~Cover up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses.
~Use sunscreen on babies over 6 months old and keep newborns out of the sun.
~Exam your skin monthly
~See your physician annually for a professional skin exam
The "healthy" glow we all seem to search for is really damaging to our skin and health. Bronzers, self-tanners, spray tans are all ways of achieving that look if you really desire it. A healthy lifestyle that includes an appropriate amount of sun exposure, exercise and proper nutrition will give you a healthier glow that no tan can duplicate.
Remember to always be good to yourself and never ignore any changes to your skin.
For further information on Skin Cancer Awareness