The Battle with Cellulite

Getting rid of cellulite seems to be as difficult as getting Republicans and Democrats to get along.  If you're like most women, you have spent your rent money on anti-cellulite creams and gadgets to find that the only thing they do is make your skin feel smoother.  It's a frustrating situation, but one that you can have a small bit of control over.

First we have to accept that genetics has a role in those dimply thighs.  It's not only the brown eyes that we inherit from our parents.  Other factors involved are metabolism, circulation and even stress can control how our body stores fat.  Although everyone hates to hear this, the most effective way of controlling cellulite is through a healthy diet and exercise. Alcohol and smoking also increase the amount of toxicity in the body.  Drink plenty of water and avoid sugar loaded drinks.

Of course, if you want an extra push, there are alternatives that do help to decrease the look of cellulite.  Devices such as Tri-Active or VelaSmooth use massage, suction, light/heat to break up fat deposits, improve circulaton and tighten skin.  SmartLipo is another alternative that is minimally invasive and provides fat removal and body contouring with the cellulite treatment.

Some physicians are even using hormonal rebalancing to treat cellulite.  They feel the hormonal imbalance contributes to cellulite development.  These physicians use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and natural supplements to battle the bulge.

Remember, cellulite is stubborn and difficult, but with some persistence and dedication, you can definitely help your body  look and feel better.

Source: New You -Winter 2010/2011

ABC's of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a popular, non-invasive way of revitalizing your skin.  The treatment resurfaces the skin by exfoliating the top layer of your skin.  It can be used with great results on your face, neck, chest and hands. It can  successfully treat acne, oily congested skin, minimize hyperpigmentation and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Traditional microdermabrasion involves aluminium oxide crystals being blasted to your skin while simultaneously vacuuming the dead skin cells and crystals back up. This method, although effective, allows the possibility of crystals embedding into your pores and causing cross contamination.  I have been treating my clients with crystal free microdermabrasion for the last few years with impressive results. Crystal free eliminates the possibility of cross contamination. The top of the steel wands are embedded with diamond crystals.  Your skin is exfoliated with the appropriate wand for your skin type and the dead skin cells are vacuumed up at the same time.  Since there are no loose crystals, it becomes easier to work closer around the eyes, nose and mouth area allowing access to fine lines around lips and crows feet around eyes.  Exfoliating the skin with microdermabrasion stimulates collagen production and allows for better penetration of serums and solutions that enhance the results of the treatment.  

Most skin types can be treated successfully, but anyone with skin disorders should consult with their physician about the contraindications that may occur.  Remember, for improvement of the overall health of your skin a microdermabrasion treatment is simple and non-invasive. 

Acne Skin

There are various types of acne that affect women throughout their lifetime. 85% of adolescents and young adults from ages 12 to 35 suffer from some varying degrees of acne, and more than 50% of adult women suffer from occasional breakouts. Acne vulgaris is the most common acne effecting teens and young adults presenting comedones, inflamed papules and pustules. During puberty, a hormone known as DHT (dihydrotestosterone) can over-stimulate the sebaceous glands, resulting in an excessive production of sebum. This oil accumulates in the follicles and clogs the pores, resulting in acne.

Increased sebum production provides an environment for the overgrowth of P-acnes bacteria, which is linked to the cause of acne. This bacteria can cause inflammation, which results in the formation of the papules, pustule and blockages (keratin and sebum) in follicles that leads to the presence of acne.

Salicylic acid minimizes breakouts, helps slough off pore-clogging skin cells, promotes skin clarity and aids skin clearing. It treats acne right at the source, keeping skin clear and healthy; tea tree oil [Melaleuca Alternifolia] calms inflammation and is an anti-bacterial with purifying properties. Results are said to be comparable to benzoyl peroxide, but without excessive drying and it has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory in skin infections.

Source: Sothys VIP EMail News August 5, 2010

FDA Changes Coming This Fall on Sunscreen Labels

The FDA is coming out with clearer, more concise labeling for sunscreen this fall.  Labels now show an SPF which tells you how long the sunscreen will protect you from UVB rays.  UVA rays, which usually affect the skin on a deeper level and are a cause of skin cancer, have no existing test that can measure the level of protection as of yet. 

In order not to mislead the consumer, the new labeling will show a four star rating that reflects the level of UVA protection (low, medium, high and highest).  This system would work together with the current SPF rating. 

Remember, The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using a sunscreen of 15 SPF or more with a combination of the following ingredients: stabilized avobenzone, ecamsule, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.
 Source: The Miami Herald/Tropical Life 7/20/2010

How To Be a Cougar or Just Look Like One

The more you read my posts, the more you’ll start to realize that I truly believe that how good we look depends a great deal on how well we take care of ourselves.  Look around and you’ll notice that most women over 35 no longer look matronly or old like women did many years ago.  Great examples of this are women like Demi Moore, Jennifer Aniston, Susan Sarandon to name a few.  Of course, it’s easier for these women who are financially well off, but that doesn’t mean there is no hope for the rest of us.

Certain basics have to be followed daily.  You would never leave the house without brushing your teeth (I certainly hope not).  Why do some women think it’s ok to walk out of your home without any  protection?  By protection I am referring to a good sunblock, a moisturizer for your skin type and some light make up.  Protection and hydration should be our mantra as we get older.

Clients are always asking me what brand of skincare they should buy.  Buy what you can afford to purchase regularly.  Of course, the pricier items usually have great research and ingredients behind them, but nowadays there are great affordable items that the average woman can buy without mortgaging their home.

Do your research, ask friends who have healthy complexions, talk to your skin care specialist, contact companies for samples and keep trying different brands until you find what works for you.  Keep things simple if you find yourself short on time.  A basic cream cleanser, 30+ sunblock and daytime moisturizer are a great way to start.  As you become accustomed to this routine, add an eye cream (lines) or eye gel (puffiness).  For nighttime, skip the the sunblock and regular daytime moisturizer and find a moisturizer with retinols or AHA’s.  Ingredients that will lightly exfoliate your skin are optimum.

Speaking of exfoliation, too much of  a good thing is never beneficial.  Exfoliation is necessary in order to help ingredients penetrate and too bring out the glow, but overdoing it will dull the skin and make it sensitive to other environmental factors.

Remember, hydration, hydration, hydration.  This includes increasing water intake if yours is negligible.  Today's woman has a great deal more of resources and information for looking and feeling fabulous.  Let’s use them to look better and feel better.  Stay well and  be good to yourself.

A Little Honey Goes a Long Way

Friends are always asking me what's a good facial mask to buy for acne or redness. Mother Nature is a great source for so many skin issues. I'm a firm believer that honey is so versatile it could probably bring world peace. Honey is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Since acne is caused by bacteria (unless your going through hormonal imbalances) it seems a logical choice. You can put it on your face alone for about 15 to 20 minutes or you can mix it with oatmeal, cinnamon, eggs, olive oil etc. Depending on what you're targeting; acne, redness, dehydration, etc., is what helps you determine what you can mix it with.

Always remember, eat well, stay hydrated and
moisturize. It takes time and effort to look and feel good but it's well
worth the investment. Stay well and be happy.

Skin Cancer Awareness

Skin cancer or any cancer is definitely not a topic most people like to discuss. The reality is that skin cancer has seen approximately a 350% increase in the last 15 years. Considering the wealth of information available to everyone, this seems totally unacceptable. For your sake and the sake of those you love, I am providing you with the The Skin Cancer Foundation's prevention guidelines:

~Always use SPF 15 or greater daily.
~Look for shade, especially during the hours of 10AM and 4PM.
~Don't allow yourself to burn.
~Avoid using tanning booths.
~Apply 1 ounce of sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours.
~Cover up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses.
~Use sunscreen on babies over 6 months old and keep newborns out of the sun.
~Exam your skin monthly
~See your physician annually for a professional skin exam

The "healthy" glow we all seem to search for is really damaging to our skin and health. Bronzers, self-tanners, spray tans are all ways of achieving that look if you really desire it. A healthy lifestyle that includes an appropriate amount of sun exposure, exercise and proper nutrition will give you a healthier glow that no tan can duplicate.

Remember to always be good to yourself and never ignore any changes to your skin.

For further information on Skin Cancer Awareness

The Perfect Everything

This perpetual search for beauty seems to be front and center to everything else.  We seem to have lost our perspective when it comes to how we should look.  Girls are growing up thinking they should look like the airbrushed models on the cover of their favorite magazines or that they should dress and behave like their favorite “reality” star.  There is definitely no reality in what they see.  Everyone wants a quick fix and we’ve forgotten that beauty begins within.  Corny as it may sound, we can’t lose sight of the fact that we must lead healthy lives in order to truly be beautiful.

Nips, tucks and injectables are not wrong, but they should not be the final  answer to looking  attractive.  If we’re going to be in this for the long term (we are living longer), it’s important that we go back to basics.  Eating well, exercise, learning to handle stress, companionship and love are all examples of things that must be incorporated into our lives.  When we feel well mentally and physically, we will definitely be more confident.  Confidence will always bring out the best in you.   Eliminate the ball and chain that society has placed on us.  Let’s get rid of the cookie cutter image of beauty. Remember, take care of yourself, stay well and  be happy.  The rest will always follow.

Wax on, Wax off

Okay, so you want to get waxed but all the horror stories have kept you away. The moment you say your getting waxed, most people will look at you like you have two heads. Getting waxed gets a bad rap. No question, it's uncomfortable the first time you get done, but each experience is usually easier and less painful.

To make things easier, you should always allow about 7-10 days worth of hair growth. Specifically, if you're waxing the bikini area, the hair should be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. The coarser your hair, the longer it should be in order that the wax can grab the hair better. Preferably, the technician will use a hard wax (no strip needed) which is usually less painful in the bikini area. Get recommendations from family or friends when you're looking for a waxer. Waxing is something most people feel is very personal, so you should feel comfortable and confident with your choice. Be consistent on how often you get waxed, and depending on how quickly your hair grows, you should get waxed every two to four weeks.

Since the hair becomes finer from repetitive waxing, ingrown hairs can be a problem if you don't manage it quickly. Exfoliate the area regularly and moisturize to keep dry skin from trapping hair. If you do notice any ingrown hair, there are a few products in the market to help relieve the redness and irritation and allow the hair to be released.

Once you enter the world of waxing, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. There is nothing like showering without worrying about shaving every crevice on your body.