The Battle with Cellulite

Getting rid of cellulite seems to be as difficult as getting Republicans and Democrats to get along.  If you're like most women, you have spent your rent money on anti-cellulite creams and gadgets to find that the only thing they do is make your skin feel smoother.  It's a frustrating situation, but one that you can have a small bit of control over.

First we have to accept that genetics has a role in those dimply thighs.  It's not only the brown eyes that we inherit from our parents.  Other factors involved are metabolism, circulation and even stress can control how our body stores fat.  Although everyone hates to hear this, the most effective way of controlling cellulite is through a healthy diet and exercise. Alcohol and smoking also increase the amount of toxicity in the body.  Drink plenty of water and avoid sugar loaded drinks.

Of course, if you want an extra push, there are alternatives that do help to decrease the look of cellulite.  Devices such as Tri-Active or VelaSmooth use massage, suction, light/heat to break up fat deposits, improve circulaton and tighten skin.  SmartLipo is another alternative that is minimally invasive and provides fat removal and body contouring with the cellulite treatment.

Some physicians are even using hormonal rebalancing to treat cellulite.  They feel the hormonal imbalance contributes to cellulite development.  These physicians use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and natural supplements to battle the bulge.

Remember, cellulite is stubborn and difficult, but with some persistence and dedication, you can definitely help your body  look and feel better.

Source: New You -Winter 2010/2011